
有感近來漸多港人移居英國,中大英國校友會將會舉辦一場網上迎新會和 Buddy Programme,希望藉此幫助校友順利安頓及適應新生活。是次活動歡迎所有近來移居英國的中大校友參與(全英地區不限),費用全免,額滿即止。


  • 校友自我簡介
  • 校友會簡介 及 未來活動
  • 專題分組對話(e.g. 求職經驗分享、住屋、教育等等)

日期:2021-08-21 星期六

時間:3pm – 4:30pm 英國夏令時間

方式: 活動將以 Microsoft Teams 進行,請參加者預先安裝軟件。為方便溝通,建議使用 microphone 及 webcam。

名額:請有意參加者在此登記。如活動額滿,則請在候補名單 waitlist 中留名。

注意:在註冊時務必提供正確的 email 地址,我們會在活動前發出登入連結給已經註冊的參加者。另外,請各位提供活動當日使用的 screen name,以資識別。


我們設有公開的Facebook Group,給中大人分享有關英國的工作及生活文化。所有學生、校友、職員皆歡迎加入,無論大家身處何方都可以加入:https://www.facebook.com/groups/cuhkukcareerslife


如閣下已經移居英國,歡迎加入我們的 facebook 群組,以及蒞臨本會網站辦理入會手續:https://cuhkaa.uk/membership/

校友 facebook 群組 (只限居英校友):https://www.facebook.com/groups/2329868200


		網上迎新會 & Buddy Programme (CUHK Alumni) image
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[Offer closed] Tickets for new and classic films from Hong Kong

You are cordially invited to be a guest of HKETO London at the upcoming Easter edition of Focus Hong Kong (31 March to 6 April 2021).

Focus Hong Kong was launched in February 2021 as a UK film festival dedicated to celebrating the amazing cinema and filmmakers of Hong Kong. The festival was run by the team behind Chinese Visual Festival and supported by HKETO London. Following our successful Chinese new year edition, we are delighted to launch the Easter edition which will run from 31 March to 6 April 2021.

The Easter edition will give audiences across the UK the chance to enjoy six acclaimed Hong Kong movies at the comfort of their home anytime during the 7-day period. The upcoming programme features three UK premiers of highly-acclaimed dramas of recent years (“I Still Remember” (二次人生) (2021); “Beyond the Dream” (幻愛) (2019); “My Prince Edward” (金都) (2019)), two 4K restoration of classic martial arts epics (“Throw Down” (柔道龍虎榜) (2004); “Once Upon A Time in China” (武狀元黃飛鴻) (1991)); and an award-winning transgender drama (“Tracey” (翠絲)(2018)). Similar to the February edition, a series of short films from the Fresh Wave programme would also be made available. For details of this fantastic selection, please visit the Festival website: https://focushk.chinesevisualfestival.org/.

CUHK Alumni Association is given four tickets. This promotion is offered to all members on a first come first serve basis. Please register your interest by emailing aa-uk@alumni.cuhk.edu.hk.

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終身@Link校友電郵 及 1TB OneDrive雲端儲存空間服務

🙋🏼♀️中大校友 一Link就夠】


校友事務處為所有中大校友提供 終身@Link校友電郵1TB OneDrive雲端儲存空間服務

😱😱😱冇睇錯!係 免費1TB OneDrive雲端儲存空間 ‼️ 免費1TB ‼️ 免費1TB‼️‼️‼️

😍免費1TB OneDrive雲端儲存空間
😍輕易自訂電郵別名 (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk)


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肌不可失, 家居運動 – 容樹恒教授

在2021年的新春聚會中,容樹恒教授 (JP, Head of Sports Medicine Team and Chairman of Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK) 跟校友們分享了一系列適合在家進行的運動,以助大家在疫情期間保持身心健康。以下是相關影片內容:


  • 簡介 – 香港中文大學矯形外科及創傷學系
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports and exercises


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CUHKAAUK Chinese New Year 2021 Celebration – 新春網上團拜

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CUHKAAUK Chinese New Year Lai Si – 香港中文大學英國校友會新年利是

Thank you for joining the CUHK Chinese New Year Celebration event.

To claim your CUHKAAUK Lai Si (Hong Bao), please enter the email address you used for the event registration. If it matches our registration record, your Lai Si will appear below.

If you think the email entered is correct but the system does not find a match, don’t panic, please contact the CUHKAAUK administrator, with your name and contact email, to ask for our assistance.

Note: To read the QR code, all you need is to point your phone camera to the code. You can print out the Lai Si to scan the QR code in case you only have one device. If your phone does not recognise the QR code automatically, you can follow the instruction on this help sheet. For any further assistance, you can contact the CUHKAAUK administrator.

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Invitation to CUHKAAUK Chinese New Year 2021 Celebration

Kung Hei Fat Choy! 恭喜發財

Wish you all good health, happiness and prosperity in the Year of the Ox.

To celebrate Chinese New Year, we would like to invite you all to our virtual Lunar New Year gathering. Details are as follows:

Date: 27th February 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 14:30-16:00

Action required:

For those who are interested in joining, please complete our online enrolment form via the link below by 24th February 2021 (Wednesday). Please invite any CUHK alumni who are new to the UK.


This year we have prepared a series of celebratory activities 賀年節目.

(1) Lucky Money Give Away 新春逗利是

(2) New Year, New You! 肌不可失, 家居運動We have invited Professor Patrick Yung 容樹恒教授, JP, Head of Sports Medicine Team and Chairman of Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK, to explain and show us how to stay healthy at home during lockdown. Don’t miss it!

(3) Chinese New Year Cooking Competition 賀年廚藝比試Participants are invited to prepare and bring a CNY dish or snack with a festive name to the gathering. Win a prize with the best dish/snack and name.

(4) New Year Crafts Workshop 牛年手工製作Join us to make some fun Chinese New Year decorations. Suitable for adults and children.

Materials required: 5 rectangular red envelopes 利是封 of approx. 17 x 9 cm (or thick coloured paper/wrapping paper of similar size), 60cm of string (preferably in red or gold)

Materials (optional): 1 Chinese knot 中國結or 1 tassel 流蘇 (or 1 red envelope), 1 paper card of approx. 4 x 3 cmTools: Stapler with approx. 40 staples (or 1 double-sided tape), ruler, pen, scissors

What does the Year of the Ox hold for you? Click the links below to find out.


We look forward to seeing you all 🙂

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